IHS Membership

Institute for Human Services, Inc.

The Institute for Human Services is a leader in the regional nonprofit sector, focused on providing professional services and support for our members.  In the past year, we have added several new benefits, both provided by the Institute, and now through a partnership with the state-wide New York Council on Nonprofits.  Institute nonprofit member organizations are eligible to receive all of the membership benefits of NYCON…at no additional cost.

IHS Membership fees help to support Institute sponsored collaborative initiatives including interagency network administration, ongoing development of management resources and services, information and referral, nonprofit technology, the Institute’s websites, as well as other capacity building resources for nonprofit organizations.  We continue to bring member organizations together with those across multiple sectors to address key regional issues and to develop the shared capacities needed to be successful.

Nonprofit Membership

Annual Agency Budget/Annual Dues

Under $100k - $45

$100k-$250k - $75

$250k-$1M - $125

$1M - $5M - $175

Over $5M - $225

Business Membership

No. of Employees/Annual Dues

1-9 - $100

10-49 - $200

50-99 - $300

100-500 - $400

500+ - $500

Questions?  Call IHS Membership at 607-776-9467 ext. 231 or email smithm@ihsnet.org.

Event Details

Standard Registration

2015 2016 All Ages Open